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Gold Star Award For Bills blend In Great Taste Competition
Small Yorkshire coffee company win Gold Star Award For Bills blend In Great Taste awards Competition supporting the lily foundation and helping raise awareness.
Rebrand - logo
We have to decided to have a bit of a rebrand on our logo. This will take effect on packaging in due course.
Delivery charge change
We have held out as long as we can and will continue to ride the wave of post pandemic in the world of spiralling out of control cost increases. However we have had to make some changes to our delivery offering which impact you our loyal customers. We won’t be increasing our product pricing, but free shipping on orders over £20 will cease effective immediately. This will be offered by royal 2nd class as standard parcel charge. We are sorry to make this decision but in the current climate we felt it was the only option at this time rather than...
Raising Awareness for MITO
Bills Blend coffee launch Bill's Blend Coffee has been lovingly crafted with certain characteristics in mind, mild, bright and cheerful, just like the boy himself. This unique blend coffee has been produced toraise money and awareness for The Lily Foundation.In 2021 Bill was diagnosed with Mitochondrial Disease MELAS Syndrome which is a life limiting condition currently without a cure. The Lily Foundation provide support for sufferers and their families as well as looking into treatments with the hope of one day finding a cure. This coffee is part of a fund raising mission by Bill's friends and family and was selectedby Bill himself in conjunction with YO1 Coffee...
New product partner
We have joined up with Barista and Co to bring you a range of luxury items to your home. They share our values as a company of being unique and diverse. We wanted a partner that offered a choice that was different to the industry standard designs. The coffee brewing equipment is sleek and trendy.Barista and co products are of the highest quality and with the thought of bringing the barista out of all us coffee lovers. So why not view our range now available now and get started on your personal journey to being the best barista in your...